The Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI), is one of the large scale facilities of the CNRS, it is part of the EuroMagNet consortium (Grenoble & Nijmegen for DC magnetic field, Toulouse & Dresden for pulsed magnetic field)
The LNCMI delivers to researchers each year 4000 hours of continuous (DC) high magnetic field up to 35 Teslas and 80 Teslas with pulsed field.The high field facility is open mainly to users from 27 countries of the European Union and from the associated states (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey). Researches from other countries can also perform their experiments at LNCMI, but they are supposed to cover themselves their travel and living expenses. To perform experiments under high magnetic field, one has to submit a proposal to the programm Comittee that meets twice a year. During their stay in Grenoble, users can rely on the scientific, technical and administrative assistance of LNCMI staff. In particular they are helped by a “local contact”, a resident scientist or engineer.Call for the submission of proposals for magnet time allocation will be open from April 15th, 2012 to May 15th, 2012.
The application form will be available on EuroMagNET’s ‘ web site:
Tel : 33 (0) 476 88 12 44 Fax : 33 (0) 456 38 70 37
Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Intenses
CNRS LNCMI site de Grenoble
25, rue des Martyrs BP.166
38042 Grenoble CEDEX 9, FRANCE
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