March 18-19 2013: Cosmic magnetic fields: mathematical and observational descriptions (Newcastle University)

March 18-19 2013, Newcastle University

We’re organising a short meeting to celebrate the 60th birthday of Professor Anvar Shukurov.  Anvar Shukurov moved to Newcastle University in 1996 and is an internationally recognised authority on astrophysical magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) and dynamo theory.  He has collaborated with many mathematicians, physicists and astronomers from around the world, many of whom will be attending this event.

The meeting will therefore bring together applied mathematicians and theoretical physicists working on astrophysical magneto-hydrodynamics and dynamo theory, and radio astronomers working on the observation of magnetic fields and turbulence.  The event is particularly timely as a significant worldwide expansion in radio astronomy is currently underway, driven in part by the topic of cosmic magnetic fields, which requires new mathematical models and methods for the planning and interpretation of observations.

The meeting website is at , and registration is open.  We hope that many from the UK MHD community will be able to attend, and look forward to seeing you in Newcastle next year.

Best wishes, Andrew Fletcher, Graeme Sarson ( magnetic.fields(at) )

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne


United Kingdom

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