May 22-23, 2014: UK MHD Meeting (University of Exeter, UK)

For more than three decades, the annual UK MHD meeting has been the leading national gathering for discussions of Astrophysical, Planetary and Laboratory Magnetohydrodynamics. The University of Exeter is pleased to host the 2014 meeting. Through a series of invited and contributed talks, poster presentations and scheduled time for discussions, we look forward to learning of recent progress and plans for future directions in all aspects of MHD research.

The meeting will take place in the Harrison Building of the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the University of Exeter. The conference is sponsored by the London Mathematical Society, the Science & Technology Facilities Council, and Taylor & Francis. Several prizes will be available for the best student and postdoctoral talks and posters.

Deadline for registration 9am 15th May 2014

source: UK MHD 2014 website

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