18-09-2017: EUROMECH Colloquium No.591

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the Euromech colloquium
n° 591 entitled “Three-dimensional instability mechanisms in transitional and turbulent flows“,
organized by Stefania Cherubini and myself, to be held on 18-20 September 2017 in
the sunny medieval city of Bari, Italy.

The objective of this conference is to provide an international forum for discussing
the latest developments in instability and coherent structures
computations for both transitional and fully turbulent flows.

The colloquium will bring together researchers studying the rise and
development of instability mechanisms leading to three-dimensional flow structures in
different shear flows, with the aim of trying to find some common features between
the structures triggering or sustaining turbulence in such different cases.
The deep knowledge of exact coherent structures in parallel flows, as well as
the recent possibility of performing instability analysis on complex three-dimensional
or fully turbulent flows begin to make possible the achievement of such an ambitious goal.

Main topics are:
– Global instabilities
– Turbulence dynamics
– Receptivity, sensitivity
– Transition to turbulence
– Coherent structures
– Bifurcations and continuation methods

Important dates are:
– 31 May 2017  : deadline for submission of a one-page abstract
– 31 June 2017 : deadline for notification of acceptance
– 15 July 2017 : deadline for registration and payment of conference fee

Abstracts of one page (including texts and figures) should be sent to:

Invited Plenary Speakers:
– Dwight BARKLEY, Warwick University, Warwick, UK
– Luca BRANDT, KTH Mechanics, Stockholm, Sweden
– Denis SIPP, ONERA, Meudon, France

For more details (deadline, topics and fees) you can visit the website:
http://591.euromech.org/ and download the flyer  in the attached fileeuromech_flyer

We hope to see you next September in Bari!

Jean-Christophe ROBINET and Stefania CHERUBINI
Co-organizers, Euromech colloquium 591, 2017

Jean-Christophe Robinet
DYNFLUID Laboratory
Arts et Métiers ParisTech
151, Bd. de l'Hôpital
PHONE : +33 1 44 24 62 77
MOBILE :+33 6 14 54 49 76
EMAIL : Jean-Christophe.Robinet(at)ensam.eu
WEB : http://dynfluid.ensam.eu/

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