23-28 August 2020: Electro- and Magnetohydrodynamics Thematic Session for ICTAM 2020 (FM18)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce an Electro- and Magnetohydrodynamics Thematic Session for ICTAM 2020 (FM18).

Milano will be hosting the 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (25th ICTAM) from 23 to 28 August 2020. This edition will follow the 24th ICTAM held in Montreal in August 2016. ICTAM congresses are organized under the auspices of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and gather every four years the mechanics community from around the world.

The essential information about  ICTAM can be found at https://www.ictam2020.org/thematic-sessions

Abstract submission begins on 1st – October – 2019.

The congress is organized in thematic sessions, of which them being Electro- and Magnetohydrodynamics (FM18). This session is also a unique opportunity to bring together the EHD and MHD communities, in order to highlight all the scientific ingredients common to these scientific disciplines.

We are welcoming submissions on such topics as

  • liquid metal MHD, both fundamental and applied to industrial problems
  • astro- and geophysical MHD, including planetary interiors, convection and dynamo problems
  • numerical and experimental methods in MHDs,
  • electrohydrodynamic flows in liquids,
  • EHD Microfluidics, spraying and atomization

not excluding other topics on electro- and magnetodhydrodynamics

Please forward this message to colleagues interested in this thematic session or in ICTAM, and do not hesitate to contact us for any questions.


Yours sincerely,

Alban Potherat and Laurent Davoust,

organizers of the Electro- and Magnetohydrodynamics Session.

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