Seeking a highly-talented, motivated, and open-minded candidate, with background in geosciences, fluid physics, or a related discipline (fully-funded, open to all). We aim to develop a modelling platform, trained and validated by laboratory mock-ups and in-situ measurements, to upscale multiphase, reactive flows. Specifically, it will resolve the coupling between fluid and solute transport and reactions (precipitation, dissolution) altering the pore geometry and hence transport properties. The project is linked with an ongoing EPSRC-funded project with British Geological Survey, and upcoming projects with Prof. Lucas Goehring (NTU) and English Heritage.
For further details, see here, and contact Dr. Ran Holtzman.
Best regards,
Dr. Ran Holtzman
Reader (Associate Professor)
Leader, Nonequilibrium in Environment and Engineering Systems (NEES)
Fluid and Complex Systems Research Centre, Coventry University