Category Archives: Conferences

iTi Conference on Turbulence XI in Bertinoro, Italy, July 27-30, 2025

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to attend the iTi Conference on Turbulence XI in Bertinoro, Italy, July 27-30, 2025.
This year, the iTi conference will be combined with a one-day workshop organized by Gabriele Bellani (Università di Bologna) and Gioacchino Cafiero (Politecnico di Torino) entitled “Structure and control of wall-bounded turbulent flows” held on July 27, 2025. The aim of the workshop is to foster discussions on the latest advances and solutions for the control of turbulent boundary layers. In the spirit of iTi, the workshop promotes an interdisciplinary view of the problem including theoretical, experimental and numerical approaches. Two international keynote speakers, Marios Kotsonis (TU Delft, NL) and Peter Schmid (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) will give an overview of the current challenges and the most promising tools for the control of wall-bounded flows. Workshop attendance is optional and must be specified upon registration. Contributions to this workshop will be part of the iTi conference proceedings.
List of iTi conference key-note speakers:
Koji Fukagata (Keio University, Japan)
Susanne Horn (Coventry University, UK)
Alessandra Lanotte (CNR, Italy)
Joachim Peinke (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Christina Vanderwel (University of Southampton, UK)
Dates and deadlines:
Abstract submission:                                      February 20, 2025 [already extended!]
Response/accepting the contribution:               March 2, 2025
Early registration for Workshop/Conference:     May 4, 2025
Late registration for Workshop/Conference:      July 26, 2025
Essential information is available on the conference website, where also LaTeX and Word templates for the preparation of the abstracts are available. Further information for the conference proceedings will be made available very soon. In this regard, we would like to announce that we decided – after 20 years and 10 volumes of Progress in Turbulence – to switch from Springer to IOP for our conference proceedings, due to wishes of many participants to offer open access for all contributions and a timelier publication schedule.
We are very happy to welcome you in Bertinoro.
Best wishes

Ramis Örlü (OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University)
Michael Wilczek (Universität Bayreuth)
Alessandro Talamelli (Università di Bologna)

Martin Oberlack (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

23-06-2025:: XLV Dynamics Days Europe 2025 (Greece)

Dear colleague,

This is the second call for paper abstracts and minisymposia
organisation in the XLV Dynamics Days Europe Conference that will be
held in the Conference Hotel Porto Palace, Thessaloniki, Greece from 23
to 27 June 2025.

Conference web-site:

Dynamics Days Europe  is a series of major
international conferences founded in the 1980’s that provides a European
forum for developments in the theory and applications of dynamics. For
more than 40 years, it has been bringing together researchers from a
wide range of backgrounds including physics, mathematics, biology, and
engineering for interdisciplinary research in nonlinear science.

Confirmed plenary speakers:
Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Bodenschatz, Eberhard, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and
Self-Organization, Goettingen, Germany
Diks, Cees, University of Amsterdam
Ditlevsen, Susanne, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Karagiannidis, George, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Krischer, Katharina, Technical University of Munich
Kutz, J. Nathan, University of Washington, Washington, USA
Palus, Milan, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Poirazi, Panagiota, The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas
(FORTH), Heraklion, Greece
Schöll, Eckehard, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Small, Michael, University of Western Australia
Stefanovska, Aneta, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK

Important dates:
→ Deadline for submission of Minisymposia proposals: March 1, 2025
→ Decision on Minisymposia proposals (latest): March 5, 2025
→ Deadline for submission of contributed talks and posters: March 15, 2025
→ Decision on contributed talks and posters: March 25, 2025
→ Early registration deadline: March 28, 2025
→ Late registration deadline: May 15, 2025
→ On-site registration: June 22-27, 2025

We are looking forward to seeing you in Thessaloniki!

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Dimitris Kugiumtzis

Dimitris Kugiumtzis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Engineering
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thessaloniki 54124, Greece
Tel: 2310995955


Organizers of Dynamics Days Europe 2025


2 – 6 August, 2020: XXXII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics 2020

XXXII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics 2020

August 2 – 6, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce the 32nd Conference on Computational Physics that is
scheduled to take place in Coventry, England, between the 2nd and 6th of August,
2020, and invite you to participate. It is the leading international conference
in its area, covering all aspects of computational physics. In particular, the
main topics are:

  • statistical mechanics and complex systems
  • soft matter, biophysics
  • materials and nano-science
  • fluid dynamics
  • quantum many-body physics
  • quantum computing
  • lattice field theory
  • astrophysics, gravitation, cosmology
  • novel hardware and software
  • computational physics education
  • machine learning and algorithms
  • geophysics and porous media

The scientific programme will consist of plenary lectures held mainly in the mornings
and a program of parallel sessions in the afternoons with invited and contributed
oral presentations, as well as a poster session.


Dwight Barkley (U Warwick)
Gábor Csányi (U Cambridge)
Richard Brower* (Boston U)
Christine Davies (U Glasgow)
Claudia Draxl* (HU Berlin)
Annalisa Pillepich (MPA, Heidelberg)
Frank Pollmann (TU Munich)
Andrew Saxe (U Oxford)
Olga Shishkina (MPI-DS, Göttingen)
David Thirumalai (UT Austin)
Brigitta Whaley* (UC Berkeley)
Andy Woods* (U Cambridge)

(* to be confirmed)


Registration for participation and as well as the submission of contributions to the
program are possible online at the conference website

Registration is open until May 15, 2020.


The meeting is set to begin in the morning of Monday, August 3rd and ends in the late
afternoon of Thursday, August 6. There will be a welcome reception and registration
opportunity in the evening of August 2nd (Sunday).

There will be a social dinner on the evening of August 5th.


Limited support is available for graduate students and participants from less
economically developed countries. Support requests can be submitted as part of the
registration process until May 15.

Invitation letters for visa applications will be provided to registered
participants. For details on visa applications, please consult the sources mentioned
on the conference website.


Participants (apart from plenary speakers) are requested to arrange accommodation
individually. There are a number of hotels nearby. Also, a limited number of
discounted accommodation options in the university residences is available. For
details please see the ‘travel’ section of the conference website.


The organizers are of course aware of the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic
spread of coronavirus, and we are monitoring the situation closely.  Should it be
required to move or cancel the event, all registration fees will be fully
refunded. We strive to take a final decision no later than June 2 to avoid
participants losing money through travel and accommodation bookings or visa


Joan Adler, Technion
Nithaya Chetty, Wits U, Johannesburg
Mei-Yin Chou, Academia Sinica
Bismarck Vaz da Costa, UFMG, Belo Horizonte
Yuan Ping Feng, NUS, Singapore
Suklyun Hong, Sejong U
Andrew Horsfield, Imperial
Trevis Humble, ORNL
Barry Klein, UC Davies
Georg Kresse, U Vienna
David Landau, UGA, Athens
Hai-Qing Lin, CSRC, Beijing
Richard Liska, TU Prague
Priya Mahadevan, Bose Centre, Kolkata
Regina Maphanga, U Limpopo
Sitangshu Bikas Santra, IIT Guwahati
Lev Shchur, Landau Institute
Laurette Tuckerman, ESPCI
Roser Valentí, U Frankfurt
Daniel Vizman, UVT, Timisoara
Rodolphe Vuilleumier, ENS, Paris
Xiaoqun Wang, SJTU, Shanghai
Renata Wentzcovitch, Columbia U
Junyi Zhu, CU Hong Kong


The main responsibility for the scientific program rests with the program committee

Statistical mechanics and complex systems:
Wolfhard Janke, U Leipzig (chair)

Soft matter, biophysics:
Julia Yeomans, U Oxford (chair)
Anna Balazs, U Pittsburgh
Changbong Hyeon, KIAS, Seoul

Materials and nano-science:
Luca Ghiringhelli, FHI, Berlin (chair)
Francesca Baletto, King’s College London
Silvana Botti, U Jena
Bryan Goldsmith, U Michigan, Ann Arbor
James Kermode, U Warwick
Sergey Levchenko, Skolkovo, Moscow

Fluid dynamics:
Greg Sheard, Monash (chair)
Bruno Carmo, U Sao Paulo
Wisam Al Saadi, Australian College of Kuwait

Quantum many-body physics:
Anders Sandvik, Boston U (chair)
Sylvain Capponi, U Toulouse
Kedar Damle, TIFR Mumbai
Chisa Hotta, U Tokyo
Shiwei Zhang, Flatiron Institute

Quantum computing:
Stephen Jordan, Microsoft (chair)
David Gosset, U Waterloo
Peter Love, Tufts U
Bei Zeng, U Guelph

Lattice field theory:
Constantina Alexandrou, Cyprus Institute (chair)
Gert Aarts, Swansea
Karl Jansen, DESY Zeuthen
Aida X. El-Khadra, U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Astrophysics, gravitation, cosmology:
Richard Bower, U Durham (chair)
Debora Sijacki, U Cambridge
Andrew Wetzel, UC Davis

Novel hardware and software:
Massimo Bernaschi, NRC, Rome (chair)
Valeri Halyo, U Princeton
Victor Martin-Mayor, U Complutense, Madrid

Computational physics education:
Joan Adler, Technion (chair)
Amy Graves, Swarthmore College

Machine learning and algorithms:
Lenka Zdeborova, Paris (chair)
Chiara Cammarota, King’s College London
Alexander Hartmann, U Oldenburg
Ehsan Katami, San Jose State U
Maria Schuld, KwaZulu-Natal
Pan Zhang, CAS, Beijing

Geophysics and porous media:
Steve Tobias, U Leeds (chair)
Emannuel Dormy, CNRS, Paris
Geoff Vallis, U Exeter


Damien Foster
Nikolaos G. Fytas
Charo del Genio
Ran Holtzman
Susanne Horn
Ralph Kenna
Abhishek Kumar
Alban Potherat
Martin Weigel (chair)
Taras Yavors’kii

Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems
Faculty for Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Coventry University
Coventry CV1 5FB


**** Please bring this conference to the attention of graduate students, postdocs and colleagues who may be interested ****


9-12 June 2020: 13th CHAOS2020 International Conference in Florence, Italy

Dear Colleague,

This is an Invitation to Participate in the conference with an Abstract and to propose an Invited Session/s (3-6 talks) or a Workshop (more than 2 Sessions).

If you already have submitted your contribution please see the book from the previous year CHAOS2019 on “12th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference” (Springer, 2020) at .

Already published the book from CHAOS2018 on “11th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference” (Springer, 2019):


A first list of Invited Sessions/Workshops is already in the conference website along with the Plenary/Keynote Speakers (see at and related pages as and ).


The Nonlinear Systems Conference titled:  13th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS2020, 9-12 June 2020, Florence, Italy, ) will be hosted in the Grand Hotel Adriatico. Download the poster at:


Chaos theory is developed rapidly the last decades. With CHAOS2020 International Conference we celebrate 13 years of active presence in the field via the annual conference, the proceedings and publications in books (The Springer Proceedings in Complexity) and the CMSIM Journal.


Many thanks to the Honorary Committee and the Scientific Committee for their support.


For Abstract submission and special session proposals please visit the conference website at: or send email to . A Late Submission option isprovided.


New Book from Lectures in CHAOS2017: Fractional Dynamics, Anomalous Transport and Plasma Science (C. H. Skiadas, Ed), Springer (2018)


You can also submit papers for publication in the CMSIM Journal at where the best papers presented are included, further to other publications in Springer and the Springer Proceedings in Complexity.


Looking forward to welcome you in Florence for the Conference,


On behalf of the Conference Committee,


Prof. Christos H Skiadas,

Conference Chair


Over the years several Books from leading publishers emerged from the CHAOS Conferences and events.

To see a list of the main publications further to the Conference Proceedings visit the first page of the Conference website at: .



Note that the CHAOS and Nonlinear Analysis Conferences started many years earlier and our email lists include old and new addresses.

1 – 3 September, 2020: iTi Conference on Turbulence IX in Bertinoro, Italy

Dear Colleague,

we are pleased to invite you to attend the iTi Conference on Turbulence IX in Bertinoro, Italy, September 1st – 3rd, 2020. The iTi (interdisciplinary Turbulence initiative) is a series of conferences organized in order to focus on different aspects of both fundamental and applied turbulence research. Therefore, both engineers and physicists working in the field of turbulence are invited to join the conference.

Topics comprise themes such as: Fundamentals, Modeling, Simulations (DNS and LES), Mathematical Methods, Coherent Structures/Vortices, Scaling Laws and Intermittency, Large Re flow experiments, Convection, Polymers and Scalars, Scalar Mixing and Particles, Turbulent Boundary Layers, Atmospheric flows and MHD.

The ninth conference of the iTi series will again take place in one of the most beautiful conference centers in Europe: the University Centre of Bertinoro. The Centre is located in three large historical and monumental buildings on the top of an ancient town. For further details please check here:

As in the previous editions the peer reviewed proceedings will be published in the volume “Progress in Turbulence IX” by Springer.

List of iTi invited key-note speakers:
P. Henrik Alfredsson (KTH, Sweden)
Bérengère Dubrulle (CNRS, France)
Massimo Germano (Duke University, USA)
Clara Marika Velte (DTU, Denmark)

Dates and deadlines:
iTi 2020: September 1st – 3rd 2020, welcome reception August 31st
Abstract submission: March 31st, 2020
Response/accepting the contribution: May 26th, 2020
Early registration for Conference and Workshop: until July 14th, 2020
Late registration for Conference and Workshop: until September 1st, 2020
Submission of full paper: September 29th, 2020

All the essential information is already available on the conference Website where also LaTeX and Word templates for the preparation of the abstracts are made available.

We are very happy to welcome you in Bertinoro.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon

Best wishes

Martin Oberlack (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Joachim Peinke (Universität Oldenburg / ForWind)
Alessandro Talamelli (Università di Bologna)
Ramis Örlü (KTH Stockholm)