Category Archives: jobs - Page 11

PhD and Scientists’ positions at LIMTECH, Germany

(from Gunter Gerbeth, Dresden, Germany)

29 PhD and 11 Scientist positions offered in frame of the German Helmholtz Alliance LIMTECH

The German Helmholtz Association established a so-called Helmholtz-Alliance in the field of “Liquid Metal Technologies” (LIMTECH), starting on Oct. 1, 2012 for the period of 5 years. Mainly based on the Helmholtz Centres in Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and Karlsruhe (KIT) and in very close cooperation with Universities (Dresden, Freiberg, Ilmenau, Hannover, Potsdam, Goettingen, Aachen, Coventry, Riga) and further Helmholtz partners (Juelich, DLR) the Helmholtz Alliance shall intensify the research in this field. The alliance is coordinated by Dr. Gunter Gerbeth (g.gerbeth(at) LIMTECH consists of 14 projects and a Young Investigator Group. The experimental and theoretical-numerical research works range from basic studies on turbulence, magnetically induced instabilities and dynamos, to measurement techniques for liquid metal flows, the use of liquid metals in future solar power stations or liquid metal batteries, up to applied investigations for the improvement of metal casting or crystal growth technologies. LIMTECH involves 29 PhD and 11 scientist positions. Details about LIMTECH, the various projects and the corresponding position offers please find at


(from Alban Potherat, Coventry, UK)

Applications are invited for a PhD position in experimental fluid mechanics at The Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory (GHMFL, Grenoble, France), under a co-tutelle agreement with Coventry University (UK). The subject is the experimental investigation of turbulence in liquid metals under the influence of very high magnetic fields. Turbulence is one of the major remaining challenge from classical physics. This work will target the mechanisms of the transition between the two and three-dimensional states of turbulence. This hot question of fundamental fluid mechanics has direct implications for several modern problems such as the optimisation of heat extraction in future nuclear fusion reactors, or the challenge posed by the dynamo effect that is responsible for the existence and the dynamics of the magnetic field of the Earth, but also on the dynamics of oceans and atmospheres.

The PhD student will take part in an experimental project headed by A. Potherat, where liquid metal turbulence is generated in a closed vessel placed within a large magnet hosted at the GHMFL, in Grenoble, who delivers some of the highest magnetic fields in the world. Since magnetic fields mainly push the flow towards two-dimensional states, they provide a convenient way to control the 2D-3D transition, so as to analyse its mechanisms in detail. The flow is diagnosed using advanced metrology techniques such as Ultrasound velocimetry and electric potential velocimetry. The student will be in charge of running the next phase of this experiment and analysing the results.

Successful applicants should hold a Master or Engineering degree with a solid background in fluid mechanics, and be highly motivated by the conduct of highly technical projects. The PhD student will be attached to CoventryUniversity’s Post-GraduateSchool but based in Grenoble (France) with a few trips to the UK every year. The PhD student will receive a grant of approximately 17k Euros per annum, entirely free of tax or any other deductions.

A good command or either French or English is an essential requirement. Applicants should address their CV, a recent set of marks/rankings and the name of at least one referee to Dr. Alban Potherat, CoventryUniversity (alban.potherat(at) Please note that only EU citizens are eligible.

Informal inquiries are welcome, please contact Alban Potherat (+44(0)2476 88 88 65), or Francois Debray, LNCMI francois.debray(at) +33(0)476 88 12 44

[PDF version]

PostDoc Position at University of Leeds, UK

University of Leeds, Department of Applied Mathematics. 3 year NERC-funded postdoc position.

Applications are invited for a research fellowship funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The project will investigate the convectively driven dynamics of the Earth’s fluid outer core and, in particular, the nature of the reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field. The aim will be to determine the various forms of dynamo action that are possible and to locate the parameter regimes in which reversals may occur, thus improving our understanding of the reversal mechanism. The post will involve the modification and running of existing convective dynamo codes in Cartesian and spherical shell geometries. You will work in close contact with the principal investigator (PI) Professor David Hughes as well as with Professor Chris Jones in the Department of Applied Mathematics. A PhD (or PhD submitted) in the relevant discipline, e.g. Computational Fluid Dynamics or Earth Sciences with computational experience or Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics is essential. Interpretation of the results in terms of geomagnetic data will be performed with the investigators and with Professor Cathy Constable of the University of California, San Diego.

University Grade 6 (£24,520 – £29,249 p.a.) or University Grade 7 (£30,122 – £35,938 p.a.) It is likely that an appointment will not be made above £31,948 p.a. due to funding limitations.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor David Hughes, tel +44 (0)113 343 5105 email

Closing Date: 11 June 2012

Interviews are expected to be held 9 July 2012

Further details, including how to apply, can be found at (reference MAPMA0028)

Prof D.W. Hughes
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 5105


A Ph.D. position in experimental fluid mechanics is offered at Coventry University (UK). The project is aimed at reproducing convection under a magnetic field in the so called “tangent cylinder” region of the Earth’s liquid core, in controlled laboratory conditions. This problem of fundamental research is of crucial importance in understanding both the morphology and the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetic field. The successful completion of the project will help explain the presence of weak and reversed magnetic flux spots in the polar regions.

The student will be in charge of conducting the experimental project under the joint supervision of Alban Pothérat ( and Binod Sreenivasan ( He/she will be assisted by a Development Officer and by the university’s mechanical and electrical workshops and their staff. He/she will build a rig where the convective flow is generated in an electrically conducting fluid (an electrolyte/liquid metal) on a rotating table, placed inside the bore of Coventry’s new 8T superconducting magnet. He/she will also have to set up PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) and dye-based flow visualisation techniques. He/she will then perform a series of experiments in order to reproduce convective structures that would help explain the main features of the observed geomagnetic field.

Applicants must hold a Masters degree or equivalent with a solid background in fluid mechanics and be specially motivated by the conduct of highly technical projects. The successful candidate will receive a tax-free fellowship of approximately £13k per annum. The project is funded by a grant from the prestigious Leverhulme Trust (

A good command of English is essential. To apply, please send a full CV with up-to-date academic records to Alban Pothérat, Coventry University (alban.potherat(at) Please note that this position is open to EU citizens only. For informal inquiries, contact Alban Pothérat (+44 (0) 2476 88 88 65) or Binod Sreenivasan (bsreeni(at)