Category Archives: Announcements - Page 10

Research Associate Position in Coventry

Research Associate – Flow Measurement and Fluid Mechanics Research Centre

Coventry University

Fixed Term for 23 months

An EPSRC-funded, postdoctoral Research Associate position is available at Coventry University working on the transition to turbulence in non-Newtonian shear flows. The successful applicant will work with Dr Chris Pringle with the aim of adapting already existing numerical tools from the Newtonian problem, and developing entirely new ones.

Experiments on shear thinning pipe flow have observed the development of asymmetry at moderate Reynolds numbers. Attempts to explain this and its role in transition have so far had limited success. This project will seek to apply fully nonlinear techniques to the problem including exact solution tracking and nonlinear optimisation methods similar to those used successfully for Newtonian flows.

The successful applicant should have: a PhD (or be about to submit one) in fluid dynamics, applied mathematics or a similar discipline; a strong background in mathematical and numerical modelling; and an ability to work both independently and collaboratively. Experience of the above nonlinear techniques is desirable. You should be able to communicate technical material to both academics and non-academics. You will be expected to integrate into the growing fluid dynamics group, within the Research Centre in Flow Measurement and Fluid Mechanics, participating in regular seminars and adding to the collegiate environment and you may be asked to help develop student research skills.

For an informal discussion on the position please contact Dr Chris Pringle directly, on


Post-doc Position "DNS for Magnetic Flow Control" at SIMaP/EPM (France)

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached  proposal for a Post-Doc position at SIMaP/EPM (France) which could be interesting for the HYDROMAG community. The scope is about MHD simulation by DNS and turbulent flow control.

Best regards,


Olivier DOCHE Maître de Conférence G-INP/PHELMA (PhD) -Laboratoire SIMaP/EPM // Assistant Professor at PHELMA GINP / GIT Grenoble Institute of Technology

Adresse : Phelma-Campus 1130 rue de la Piscine BP75 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères 

Tel : (+33)-04-76-82-52-63

Post-doc Position “DNS for Magnetic Flow Control” at SIMaP/EPM (France)

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached  proposal for a Post-Doc position at SIMaP/EPM (France) which could be interesting for the HYDROMAG community. The scope is about MHD simulation by DNS and turbulent flow control.

Best regards,


Olivier DOCHE Maître de Conférence G-INP/PHELMA (PhD) -Laboratoire SIMaP/EPM // Assistant Professor at PHELMA GINP / GIT Grenoble Institute of Technology

Adresse : Phelma-Campus 1130 rue de la Piscine BP75 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères 

Tel : (+33)-04-76-82-52-63

Rio Tinto job position

from: Jacqueline Etay , SIMAP, France


“…Even the offer is written in French, position is open to all nationalities.

The contact point is Benoit Bardet : benoit.bardet(at)

Please see the advert here:  Ingenieur modelisation CFD



(from Andris Jakovics, Latvia)

This scientific colloquium will take place at University of Latvia in Riga (Latvia) on 21-22 September, 2017. Colloquiums in field of modelling have long tradition since 1999 and was organised periodically in Riga and Hanover (Germany). The aim of this series of colloquiums is to encourage collaboration by scientists working in field of modelling applications for increasing of products quality and energy efficiency in different technological processes.

Papers on the numerical and physical modelling in the following branches are welcome:

  • Processing of high quality metal alloys and non-metallic materials (oxides, glasses, powders, composites)
  • Crystal growth of semi-conductive materials
  • Production processes for new and innovative products
  • EM stirring, casting, shaping, forming and levitation
  • Combustion, evaporation and condensations processes
  • Energy efficiency and sustainability of technological equipment
  • Space technologies and applications

The participation fee (early registration – 420 EUR, normal rate – 490 EUR, incl. 21% VAT) covers all information material of the colloquium, the proceedings and flash, dinner as well as coffee and refreshments during breaks.

Important date: submission of abstracts – March 31, 2017

International scientific committee:

  • E. Baake Leibniz University Hanover, Germany
  • V. Bojarevics       University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
  • F. Dughiero University of Padua, Italy
  • P. Dold Frauenhofer CSP, Germany
  • V. Fireteanu Politechnica University of Bucharest, Romania
  • A. Jakovics University of Latvia, Latvia
  • B. Nacke Leibniz University Hanover, Germany
  • A. Thess German Aerospace Centter (DLR), Germany
  • V. Timofejev Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation
  • J. Virbulis University of Latvia, Latvia

Local Organising committee:

  • Dr. A. Jakovics (
  • Dr. J. Virbulis (
  • Dr. M. Ščepanskis (

Further information on the following website: –

Online registration on the following website:

Attachment: announcement-and-call-for-papers_mmp17