Category Archives: Announcements - Page 13

The next EPM conference reminder

The next EPM conference will be held from Monday 12 October at 16:00 to Friday 16 October 2015 at the Majestic Barriere Hotel  Cannes – France   see website :

Jacqueline Etay

Pamir 2016 Call for Papers

PAMIR 2016 is organized by the University of Cagliari in partnership with the German umbrella project Helmholtz Alliance (LIMTECH). Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings if at least one author is registered and if the paper is presented at the conference.

 Abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2015

 The detailed list of topics, as well as other important information are found in the attached call for papers, or on our website:
Augusto Montisci

08-02-2016: Monaco-ITER Int’l Fusion Energy Days (MIIFED) and ITER Business Forum (IBF) Conference

The MIIFED-IBF conference in a nutshellMIIFED-7

ITER is the large-scale international scientific experiment that aims to demonstrate the scientific and industrial feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes.
The Monaco-ITER International Fusion Energy Days (MIIFED) combined with the ITER Business Forum (IBF) will bring together testimonies and experiences from the world industry about their participation in ITER.
The conference will also review the progress achieved so far, the status of construction and manufacturing, and the upcoming industrial activities.
Through B2B and B2C contacts, the event will also stimulate networking and technology transfer.

An exhibit on the technological achievements of fusion and energy will be staged during the conference

tato-poster tasto-leaflet

08-02-2016: Monaco-ITER Int'l Fusion Energy Days (MIIFED) and ITER Business Forum (IBF) Conference

The MIIFED-IBF conference in a nutshellMIIFED-7

ITER is the large-scale international scientific experiment that aims to demonstrate the scientific and industrial feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes.
The Monaco-ITER International Fusion Energy Days (MIIFED) combined with the ITER Business Forum (IBF) will bring together testimonies and experiences from the world industry about their participation in ITER.
The conference will also review the progress achieved so far, the status of construction and manufacturing, and the upcoming industrial activities.
Through B2B and B2C contacts, the event will also stimulate networking and technology transfer.

An exhibit on the technological achievements of fusion and energy will be staged during the conference

tato-poster tasto-leaflet

July 15-17, 2015 — MHD Session at BIFD 2015

There will be at least one MHD session at the 6th international symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics to be held in Paris, France on July 15-17, 2015. The deadline for abstract submission is February 1, 2015. Further information is available at