Category Archives: Announcements - Page 17

2nd Call for the 549th Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar “Liquid Metal MHD”

(from Christiane Heinicke, Ilmenau, Germany)


Dear colleagues,

this is a second call for the participation in the Heraeus-Seminar “Liquid Metal MHD” taking place at Bad Honnef (Germany) during Oct. 16-18, 2013. Although focused on liquid metals, the program comprises all aspects of MHD, including, but not limited to astrophysical flows, MHD turbulence, and crystal growth.

The seminar may be considered as a substitute for this year’s MHD days, which have been a widely accepted forum for undergraduates and PhD students in the past years. Since the next MHD days will take place in 2014, the Heraeus-Seminar is also intended as this year’s platform for young researchers. More information on the seminar can be found on Note that all costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Heraeus foundation.

Currently, there are still a number of spots available which would expire if not filled. Therefore, we invite researchers active in the field of MHD to register for the seminar by Thursday, 5th September, 2013 via

Hoping to see you at the seminar,
The organizing committee

July 14-17, 2014: 7th European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference (Ilmenau, Germany)

The Insitute of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Ilmenau University of Technology is proud to announce 7th European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference which will be held at Ilmenau University of technology, 14-17 July, 2014

“Aimed towards PhD students
organized by PhD students”Conference follows the spirit of the conference series, which is addressed to doctorial students from Europe working in the field of fluid mechanics. The participants will get a chance to present their research topic and results in an ambience of equals.

For more details visit the website of the conference:


New position in Experimental MHD/Heat & Mass Transfer at UCLA

(from Sergey Smolentsev, USA)

The Fusion Science and Technology Center at University of California, Los Angeles invites applicants for a research position in Experimental MHD / Heat & Mass transfer. The studies are related to liquid metal MHD flows in closed ducts in conditions relevant to a fusion reactor blanket. Successful candidates are expected to have experience/background in the area of experimental fluid dynamics/heat & mass transfer. Experience in experimental studies of liquid metals (PbLi, InGaSn, NaK, Hg), especially in the presence of a strong magnetic field, and working knowledge of liquid-metal flow diagnostics, such as ultrasound velocimetry and potential probes, is desirable. Considerations will be given to both recent university graduates (Ph.D. is required) and senior scientists with a multi-year experience in the field.

The position is available starting from September 01, 2013. Applications or questions about the position should be sent to Sergey Smolentsev (sergey(at) and copy to Mohamed Abdou (abdou(at)

July 22-27, 2013 — Workshop on 'Mathematical Aspects of Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics'

Dear all,
We would like to advertise a Workshop on ‘Mathematical Aspects of Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics’, taking place in Cargese, Corsica, July 22-27 2013, to celebrate the many contributions of Andrew Soward to this field:

Please note that the number of participants is limited by the venue, and that the ‘early bird’ registration fee of GBP 350 (covering participation, accommodation, breakfasts, lunches and workshop events) is available only until April 30, 2103; after that date, the
registration fee will be GBP 400.

Limited funds are available to support participants who could not otherwise attend the meeting, offering reduced fees. These funds are intended principally for young scientists (PhD students and post-docs).

Please contact the organisers directly by email to enquire about this

Registration is already open, and full registration requires three steps:

– pre-registration, recording your application to attend with the venue (the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese);
– registration, recording your arrival times, etc., for local transportation;
– payment.

Please follow the links at and , where further information is available.

We hope you will be able to join us in Cargese. If you have any queries, please just contact one of the organisers directly.

Best wishes,
Emmanuel Dormy, Andrew Gilbert, Graeme Sarson

dormy(at) , A.D.Gilbert(at) , g.r.sarson(at)

July 22-27, 2013 — Workshop on ‘Mathematical Aspects of Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics’

Dear all,
We would like to advertise a Workshop on ‘Mathematical Aspects of Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics’, taking place in Cargese, Corsica, July 22-27 2013, to celebrate the many contributions of Andrew Soward to this field:

Please note that the number of participants is limited by the venue, and that the ‘early bird’ registration fee of GBP 350 (covering participation, accommodation, breakfasts, lunches and workshop events) is available only until April 30, 2103; after that date, the
registration fee will be GBP 400.

Limited funds are available to support participants who could not otherwise attend the meeting, offering reduced fees. These funds are intended principally for young scientists (PhD students and post-docs).

Please contact the organisers directly by email to enquire about this

Registration is already open, and full registration requires three steps:

– pre-registration, recording your application to attend with the venue (the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese);
– registration, recording your arrival times, etc., for local transportation;
– payment.

Please follow the links at and , where further information is available.

We hope you will be able to join us in Cargese. If you have any queries, please just contact one of the organisers directly.

Best wishes,
Emmanuel Dormy, Andrew Gilbert, Graeme Sarson

dormy(at) , A.D.Gilbert(at) , g.r.sarson(at)