Category Archives: Announcements - Page 21

Next Hydromag Newsletter October 2012

Dear coleaugues,
Next Hydromag Newsletter will be issued at the middle of October, 2012. Please send information you wish to be included into this issue to


not later than 15 October, 2012.


If you have an urgent announcement, we can publish at between the issues.


Alex Pedcenko


Coventry University

Applied Mathematics Research Centre

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Priory Street

Coventry CV1 5FB

United Kingdom


Tel: +44-24-7765-8974

e-mail: a.pedcenko(at)

September 1-4, 2013: European Turbulence Conference 14 (Lyon, France)

The European turbulence conference gathers every two years the community of scientists involved in the study of turbulence, from fundamental physics issues to applied fluid mechanics – usually over 450 participants. Eight outstanding contributors are the central invited speakers, and 4 sessions are run in parallel.

The first ETC meeting took place in 1986 at the Ecole Centrale, in Lyon. For the 14th edition and 25th anniversary of this very successful event, the Euromech Committee has again selected Lyon.

Host: ENS de Lyon

Scientific Committee: Konrad Bajer (U. Warsaw), Eberhard Bodenschatz (MPI Göttingen), Carlo Casciola (La Sapienza, Roma), Peter Davidson (U. Cambridge), Stephan Fauve (ENS de Paris), Yury Kachanov (Novosibirsk), Dan Henningson (KTH Stockholm), Detlef Lohse (U. Twente), Jean-François Pinton (CNRS – ENS de Lyon), Neil Sandham (U. Southampton).

Local Organization Committee: Jean-François Pinton (CNRS – ENS de Lyon), Mickael Bourgoin (CNRS – Université de Grenoble), Laurent Chevillard (ENS de Lyon), Fabien Godeferd (CNRS – EC Lyon), Nicolas Mordant (Université de Grenoble), Aurore Naso (CNRS – EC Lyon), Alain Pumir (CNRS – ENS de Lyon), Romain Volk (ENS de Lyon).
Important dates to come:

Opening of abstract submissions: October 2012 Deadline for abstract submissions: January 8th, 2013 Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 2013 Opening of registrations: March 15th, 2013 Deadline for early registration: May 31st, 2013

Invited speakers

Axel Brandenburg (Nordita, Sweden)
Roberto Camussi (Roma Tre University, Italy)
Francois Daviaud (CEA, France)
Arne V. Johansson (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
Rich Kerswell (University of Bristol, U.K.)
Szymon P. Malinowski (Warsaw University, Poland)
Beverly J. McKeon (CalTech, Pasadena, U.S.A.)
Haitao Xu (MPI Goettingen, Germany)

The principal topics of ETC14 include but are not limited to:

Acoustics of turbulent flows
MHD turbulence
Atmospheric turbulence
Reacitng and compressible turbulence
Control of turbulent flows
Transport and mixing
Geophysical and astrophysical turbulence
Turbulence in multiphase and non-Newtonian flows
Instability and transition
Vortex dynamics and structure formation
Intermittency and scaling
Wall bounded flows
Large eddy simulation and related techniques
Turbulent combustion
Lagrangian aspects of turbulence
Turbulence in superfluids


PhD student position at the University of Michigan – Dearborn

(from Oleg Zikanov, USA)

A three-year PhD research assistantship is expected to become available starting January 2013. The subject of the project is numerical analysis of convection in liquid metal flows with strong imposed magnetic fields. The work will be conducted under the guidance of Prof. Oleg Zikanov at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Depending on the background, the student will enroll in the Automotive Systems Engineering or Information Systems Engineering program.

The position provides full tuition coverage, a stipend or around $25000 a year and a health insurance plan.

A successful candidate will have a completed MS or equivalent degree in mechanical engineering, applied mathematics, physics, or a related discipline. The desired qualifications include strong background in physics and mathematics, knowledge of fluid mechanics, and some familiarity with parallel programming in FORTRAN.

Please send applications and address questions to Oleg Zikanov at zikanov(at)

PhD and Scientists’ positions at LIMTECH, Germany

(from Gunter Gerbeth, Dresden, Germany)

29 PhD and 11 Scientist positions offered in frame of the German Helmholtz Alliance LIMTECH

The German Helmholtz Association established a so-called Helmholtz-Alliance in the field of “Liquid Metal Technologies” (LIMTECH), starting on Oct. 1, 2012 for the period of 5 years. Mainly based on the Helmholtz Centres in Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and Karlsruhe (KIT) and in very close cooperation with Universities (Dresden, Freiberg, Ilmenau, Hannover, Potsdam, Goettingen, Aachen, Coventry, Riga) and further Helmholtz partners (Juelich, DLR) the Helmholtz Alliance shall intensify the research in this field. The alliance is coordinated by Dr. Gunter Gerbeth (g.gerbeth(at) LIMTECH consists of 14 projects and a Young Investigator Group. The experimental and theoretical-numerical research works range from basic studies on turbulence, magnetically induced instabilities and dynamos, to measurement techniques for liquid metal flows, the use of liquid metals in future solar power stations or liquid metal batteries, up to applied investigations for the improvement of metal casting or crystal growth technologies. LIMTECH involves 29 PhD and 11 scientist positions. Details about LIMTECH, the various projects and the corresponding position offers please find at

PhD and Scientists' positions at LIMTECH, Germany

(from Gunter Gerbeth, Dresden, Germany)

29 PhD and 11 Scientist positions offered in frame of the German Helmholtz Alliance LIMTECH

The German Helmholtz Association established a so-called Helmholtz-Alliance in the field of “Liquid Metal Technologies” (LIMTECH), starting on Oct. 1, 2012 for the period of 5 years. Mainly based on the Helmholtz Centres in Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and Karlsruhe (KIT) and in very close cooperation with Universities (Dresden, Freiberg, Ilmenau, Hannover, Potsdam, Goettingen, Aachen, Coventry, Riga) and further Helmholtz partners (Juelich, DLR) the Helmholtz Alliance shall intensify the research in this field. The alliance is coordinated by Dr. Gunter Gerbeth (g.gerbeth(at) LIMTECH consists of 14 projects and a Young Investigator Group. The experimental and theoretical-numerical research works range from basic studies on turbulence, magnetically induced instabilities and dynamos, to measurement techniques for liquid metal flows, the use of liquid metals in future solar power stations or liquid metal batteries, up to applied investigations for the improvement of metal casting or crystal growth technologies. LIMTECH involves 29 PhD and 11 scientist positions. Details about LIMTECH, the various projects and the corresponding position offers please find at