Issue #3.1 (Special) August 2017

Special Issue August, 2017

Content provided by our colleagues at HZDR, Dresden, Germany


  1. LIMTECH Award Winner 2017
  2. Final LIMTECH Colloquium and International Symposium on Liquid Metal Technologies
  3. PhD position available at HZDR


  1. LIMTECH Award Winner 2017
    The International LIMTECH Young Scientist Award 2017 for outstanding scientific contributions in the field of liquid metal technologies was awarded to

Dr. Karspars Dadzis (IKZ Berlin).

The award is funded by the Helmholtz association of German research centres and will be handed over at the Final LIMTECH Colloquium in Dresden (see below).

More details on the award can be found at:



  1. Final LIMTECH Colloquium and International Symposium on Liquid Metal Technologies
    At the end of its the 5-year funding period, the HELMHOLTZ alliance LIMTECH will hold its Final Colloquium and International Symposium on Liquid Metal Technologies in Dresden on Sept. 19-20, 2017.

The agenda of the meeting and further information on the LIMTECH alliance can be found here:

Anybody interested in attending the meeting is highly welcome, but is requested to register in advance. Despite the schedule of oral presentations is already fixed, additional poster presentations are welcome! Please register participation and posters by email to Gerd Mutschke <g.mutschke(at)> before September 1, 2017.


  1. PhD Position available at HZDR on:Experimental investigation of turbulent convection in liquid metals

Many turbulent flows in nature and technical applications are driven by temperature differences. The aim of this project is to investigate such a turbulent convection in a laboratory set-up using liquid metal. The goal is to reveal the structure and the dynamics of the large scale circulation as well as the dynamics near the boundary layers. Therefore, different measuring techniques as the ultrasound Doppler velocimetry and the contactless inductive flow tomography are available. The experiments are supported by high performance numerical simulations from a project partner. The combined investigation will create a new milestone in the deep understanding of turbulent convection in liquid metals and their numerous applications in geo- and astrophysics as well as technical systems.


  • Diploma or M.Sc in Physics, mechanical engineering or equivalent.
  • Comprehensive technical skills and physical understanding.


  • design of a cylindrical Rayleigh-Bénard convection cell -simultaneous measurements of velocity field, temperature field  and heat flux inside the convection
  • analysis of the three-dimensional structure and the dynamics of the  “large scale circulation”
  • comparison of the results to direct numerical simulations done by a  project partner
  • scientific publishing


The position is available from Oct. 1, 2017. For further information, please contact Tobias Vogt (t.vogt(at) or Sven Eckert (s.eckert(at)





will be issued in the middle of October, 2017. Please send information you wish to be included into this issue to


not later than 16 of October, 2016.

If you have an urgent announcement, we can publish at between the issues.


Alex Pedcenko
Coventry University
Priory Street
Coventry CV1 5FB
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)24-77658974
e-mail: a.pedcenko(at)