Hydromag Prize

The HYDROMAG association for Hydromagnetic phenomena and its applications  (http://www.hydromag.eu) is pleased to announce the first Hydromag Best Poster Prize.

The prize consists of a personal gratification of 500€, awarded for the best poster presented at the  PAMIR conference (Cagliari, 20-24 June 2016). The competition was open to all researchers under 35  years of age, who are first author of a poster accepted for display during the conference. The winner was decided based on the originality, significance and rigour of the work presented. The decision  was made by the members of the HYDROMAG committee present at the PAMIR conference.

This edition of the prize was generously funded by Coventry University (UK) and was awarded to Ms Franziska Karnbach (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany) for her poster “Influence of Magnetic Fields on the Behavior of Single Hydrogen Bubbles Generated via Water Electrolysis“.

We would like to make Hydromag Prize a tradition, presented at a key MHD-related conferences in the future.

Congratulations Franziska!
The HYDROMAG Committee

Next HYDROMAG Newsletter

Next Hydromag Newsletter


will be issued in the middle of July, 2016. Please send information you wish to be included into this issue to


not later than 15 of July, 2016.

If you have an urgent announcement, we can publish at http://hydromag.eu between the issues.

Alex Pedcenko
Coventry University
Priory Street
Coventry CV1 5FB
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)24-77658974
e-mail: a.pedcenko(at)coventry.ac.uk


21-08-2017: 16th European Turbulence Conference (ETC16)

We are pleased to announce that the 16th European Turbulence Conference (ETC16) will be held at KTH in Stockholm.

The opening of abstract submissions will be in October 2016. The deadline for the submission of papers will be 12th January 2017. All available details, including scope and the list invited speakers can be found at www.etc16.se

We look forward to welcoming you to ETC16 in Stockholm, Sweden, from 21-24 August 2017.

On behalf of the European Turbulence Conference Committee,

Dan Henningson

Shervin Bagheri

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Linné Flow Centre, Mechanics Department

Stockholm, Sweden

Next HYDROMAG Newsletter

Next Hydromag Newsletter

will be issued in the middle of July, 2016. Please send information you wish to be included into this issue to


not later than 12 of July, 2016.

If you have an urgent announcement, we can publish at http://hydromag.eu between the issues.

Alex Pedcenko

Coventry University

Lectureship in Magnetohydrodynamics / Solar Physics at the University of Dundee (UK)

The University of Dundee is seeking an exceptional candidate to join our Magnetohydrodynamics research group in Applied Mathematics, based within the School of Science and Engineering.


Mathematics at Dundee was ranked 8th (of 53) in the UK and 1st in Scotland in the national Research Excellence Framework assessment in 2014 – a major contributor to this success was the internationally-recognised research of the Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) group. The MHD group carries out fundamental research into the structure and dynamics of magnetic fields and plasmas, using a combination of numerical simulations (HPC) and mathematical analysis based on dynamical systems theory, braid theory and differential geometry. The main areas of application are astrophysical plasmas, particularly solar plasmas. Group members also work on applications to laboratory plasmas and other fluid dynamical systems (for more details see http://www.maths.dundee.ac.uk/mhd/ ).


The successful candidate will be expected to perform internationally leading research in an area that complements that of the MHD group. We interpret the research area in its broadest sense and welcome applications in all areas of theory, modelling and observations of plasmas and fluids. The successful candidate should also have a commitment to excellence in teaching. Mathematics as a discipline has been placed in the top 10 in the UK in all major subject league tables in 2016, and offers a range of undergraduate and MSc degrees.


The School holds Athena Swan Bronze Awards in all of its discipline areas, recognising its commitment and success in developing practices to support the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) in academia.


For a full job description and details of how to apply, see http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AUC547/lecturer-in-applied-mathematics-teaching-and-research/


Appointment will be at grade 7 – 8 Lecturer (£34,576 – £46,414)


Closing Date: 6 March 2016


Informal inquires may be made to Prof Gunnar Hornig g.hornig@dundee.ac.uk  or Dr David Pontin d.i.pontin@dundee.ac.uk