(from Gunter Gerbeth, Germany)
The LIMTECH Alliance, a German research initiative devoted to the research on liquid metal technologies (https://www.hzdr.de/db/Cms?pNid=2920) that is funded by the Helmholtz association of German research centres, announces the international LIMTECH Young Scientist Award to support the research in the field of liquid metal technologies and to intensify international cooperation. Detailed subjects are, for instance, generic flow phenomena and flow control, magnetohydrodynamic flows, measurement techniques, applications in metal casting, crystal growth or energy conversion and storage, related model experiments and numerical simulations, etc.
The award will be granted annually and recognises outstanding scientific contributions made by young scientists. Candidates must be less than 40 years old. Eligible for application are PhDs or post-docs (typically 3-4 years after completion of the thesis). Applicants must not be members of the LIMTECH alliance.
The award consists of a certificate and is endowed with a lump sum of 2000 €.
The award also includes an invitation to join the LIMTECH research alliance at one of its participating institutions in the following year for up to 6 months to perform related research. The stay will be funded by the LIMTECH alliance. The details are quite flexible and can be arranged according to the preferences of both sides.
Next award: 2016
Nominations: from February 1 to March 15, 2016
Chair of the Award Committee: Dr. Gunter Gerbeth, HZDR, on behalf of the Steering Committee of the LIMTECH alliance.
The winner of the 2016 award will be announced at the upcoming PAMIR conference (Cagliari, Italy, June 20-24, 2016, http://www.diee.unica.it/pamir2016), which is co-organized by LIMTECH, and at which the winner is expected to give a lecture. LIMTECH will pay for his/her registration fee.
Submission of award nomination:
Nominations can be made by individuals, mentors of individuals or institutions. Candidates may nominate themselves. The application should contain
- a short application letter motivating the scientific contribution made,
- a curriculum vitae,
- a publication record,
- contact information of mentors supporting the application
All application documents must be submitted in pdf format via email to:
limtech-allianz@hzdr.de. The deadline for submission is March 15, 2016.