The next EPM conference reminder

The next EPM conference will be held from Monday 12 October at 16:00 to Friday 16 October 2015 at the Majestic Barriere Hotel  Cannes – France   see website :

Jacqueline Etay

16th MHD-Days [update]

July 2015 update of announcement:

16th MHD-Days

TU Ilmenau, December 7-9, 2015


The topics of the MHD Days include both geo- and astrophysical MHD as well as industrial applications of MHD. The conference webpage is

The MHD days will also be used to give an overview of the ongoing activities in the Research Training Group on flow measurement in liquid metals and electrolytes using contactless Lorentz force velocimetry and on non-destructive material inspection using Lorentz force eddy current testing. This Research Training Group at TU Ilmenau is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Confirmed speakers at the event are

  • Jonathan Aurnou, UCLA, USA
  • Peter Davidson, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Peter Frick, Perm State University, Russia
  • Gunter Gerbeth, Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany
  • Koulis Pericleous, University of Greenwich, UK

The conference fee will be 85 Euros including conference dinner. Registration and abstract submission will be active from September. We hope that the community will be interested in the conference, and we look forward to welcoming many participants.


(Organizing committee)

Dr. Thomas Boeck

Dr. Dmitry Krasnov

Prof. Christian Karcher

Prof. Jörg Schumacher


20-06-2016: 27th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology Prague, Czech Republic

The Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology has a long tradition and is usually held biennially. This will be the 27th Symposium. It was originally founded for the presentation of results of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (IPP CAS) in 1967. Since 1969 it has gradually become a Czechoslovak forum in this branch and many famous foreign scientists have made presentations. Since 1993 it has been held in co-operation with the Department of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (FEE CTU) in Prague. Last symposia were granted the label European Physical Society Sponsored Conference.
Since 2000 the SPPT participants had the possibility to offer their original papers based on the SPPT contributions for publication in various journals (Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, European Physical Journal D, Acta Technica), since 2012 Acta Polytechnica and Plasma Physics and Technology.
The symposium is of the European importance. There will be about 150-200 participants.

Website of the Symposium

20-06-2016: 10th Pamir Conference, Cagliari, Italy

(from Augusto Montisci, Cagliari, Italy)

The next PAMIR conference will be organized by the University of Cagliari, Sardinia Italy, from June 20 to June 24, 2016.

The conference will take place in Cagliari and will regroup if possible in the same location, conference rooms and accommodation. The topics will be Basic MHD, Space Technologies, Ferrofluids, Applied MHD for Materials, Liquid metal technologies for coolant applications, MHD energy conversion. In parallel with the conference, a summer school will be also proposed with the topics centered on MHD for Space Applications.

The detail of the organization, deadlines, and main topics, both for conference and summer school, will be included in the next Hydromag letter.


Cagliari  Cagliari

Augusto Montisci,
Università di Cagliari
e-mail: amontisci(at)
tel: +39 070 675.5848
fax: +39 070 675.5900



(from Oleg Zikanov, USA)

The program of the 2016 congress of the ECCOMAS (European  Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and  Engineering) includes a mini-symposium on Computational Methods in Magnetohydrodynamics (see

The focus of the minisymposium is on the computational  challenges in modeling MHD flows. All areas of MHD are covered  including but not limited to: models of MHD turbulence,  methods for flows at high Hartmann numbers, numerical analysis  of MHD effects in astro- and geophysics, MHD instabilities and magnetoconvection.

The congress is on June 5-10, 2016 on the island of  Crete, Greece. The submission of abstracts is now open and  will continue till November 29, 2015.

Thanks and best regards

Dr. Oleg Zikanov
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan – Dearborn
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128-1491
Ph: (313) 593-3718 Fax: (313) 593-3851