Information from the organizers of pamir 2014

The conference pamir 2014 will be organized in Riga (Latvia) that will be the European Capital of Europe, Next year from June 16 to June 20. The main topics will be focused on MHD but two new ones will be added concerning Thermo acoustic and Space technologies. In the Frame of this conference and in parallel, from June 17 to June 20 a summer school will be organized also in Riga with the topics focused on Thermo acoustic and space technologies. The precise program of the school is given below.


The school is organised in the FRAME of an European program for the production of electricity in space. A budget is allocated to this program in view to facilitate the participation of Students (master 2, PhD, post doc or young engineers). Thus the organisers have the possibility to support on the base of 700 € per student 22 of them. The amount of money is enough for trip and accommodation considering the local price in Riga. The demand of participation must be done at the following e-mail address:


by specifying pamir summer school.  As it can be seen on the program, the school will be organised only in the morning, thus the students will have the possibility to follow the presentations of the conference in the afternoon.

For more information you can consult the web site of the both manifestations

Antoine Alemany
[PDF Version]


Dear Colleagues,

will be issued by the end of January, 2014. Please send information you wish to be included into this issue to


not later than 20 of January, 2014.

If you have an urgent announcement, we can publish at or still make a special issue in this year.

Alex Pedcenko,
Coventry University

Second announcement: 9th International pamir conference on fundamental and applied MHD – Riga, Latvia, June 16-20, 2014

Second announcement
9th International pamir conference on fundamental and applied MHD – Riga, Latvia, June 16-20, 2014

Dear colleagues,
The new pamir conference will be organized in Latvia in June 2014. You will find all information about this event on the web site ““.

This conference will be supported by the European commission in the frame of a program devoted to the production of electricity in space. For this reason two new topics will be included in addition with MHD, liquid metal technology and ferro fluids :

– thermoacoustic system
– space : stress on technologies

A summer school, supported by the European commission, will be proposed in these two topics during the conference.

Calendar of events

  • Deadline for abstracts : December 20, 2013
  • Notification to authors : February 28, 2014
  • Deadline for full paper : April 30, 2014
  • Registration prior : May 16, 2014

Best regards,
pamir secretary

2nd Call for the 549th Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar “Liquid Metal MHD”

(from Christiane Heinicke, Ilmenau, Germany)


Dear colleagues,

this is a second call for the participation in the Heraeus-Seminar “Liquid Metal MHD” taking place at Bad Honnef (Germany) during Oct. 16-18, 2013. Although focused on liquid metals, the program comprises all aspects of MHD, including, but not limited to astrophysical flows, MHD turbulence, and crystal growth.

The seminar may be considered as a substitute for this year’s MHD days, which have been a widely accepted forum for undergraduates and PhD students in the past years. Since the next MHD days will take place in 2014, the Heraeus-Seminar is also intended as this year’s platform for young researchers. More information on the seminar can be found on Note that all costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Heraeus foundation.

Currently, there are still a number of spots available which would expire if not filled. Therefore, we invite researchers active in the field of MHD to register for the seminar by Thursday, 5th September, 2013 via

Hoping to see you at the seminar,
The organizing committee

2nd Call for the 549th Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar "Liquid Metal MHD"

(from Christiane Heinicke, Ilmenau, Germany)


Dear colleagues,

this is a second call for the participation in the Heraeus-Seminar “Liquid Metal MHD” taking place at Bad Honnef (Germany) during Oct. 16-18, 2013. Although focused on liquid metals, the program comprises all aspects of MHD, including, but not limited to astrophysical flows, MHD turbulence, and crystal growth.

The seminar may be considered as a substitute for this year’s MHD days, which have been a widely accepted forum for undergraduates and PhD students in the past years. Since the next MHD days will take place in 2014, the Heraeus-Seminar is also intended as this year’s platform for young researchers. More information on the seminar can be found on Note that all costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Heraeus foundation.

Currently, there are still a number of spots available which would expire if not filled. Therefore, we invite researchers active in the field of MHD to register for the seminar by Thursday, 5th September, 2013 via

Hoping to see you at the seminar,
The organizing committee