PhD Position in Solar Activity at Nordita

PhD Position in Solar Activity at Nordita

Deadline: 15 January 2012

NORDITA – The Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
NORDITA was founded in 1957 as a Nordic institute in theoretical (atomic) physics on the premises of the Niels Bohr Institute at Copenhagen University and is since 2006 in Stockholm under the auspices of Stockholm University (SU) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). NORDITA is located at the AlbaNova University Center, situated in the immediate vicinity of the two universities.

In continuation of the ERC-supported research on Astrophysical Dynamos at Nordita (see, there will be a PhD position on the formation of active regions in the Sun. The successful candidate will be working on numerical models of radiation magnetohydrodynamics to explain the spontaneous formation of active regions and ultimately sunspots.

The research in the group focuses on improving our understanding of the solar activity and the solar dynamo. This involves work on a number of topics including

  • Turbulent dynamo action in spherical shells,
  • The formation of active regions, sunspots, and coronal mass ejections from dynamo-generated magnetic fields,
  • The ejection of dynamo-generated small-scale magnetic helicity in coronal mass ejections,
  • Magnetic helicity fluxes and turbulent transport coefficients in hydromagnetic turbulence,
  • Solar cycle models and forecasts.

The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Professor Axel Brandenburg at Nordita. The PhD student working within this project will be formally enrolled at Stockholm University within the Department of Astronomy, but will have office space in one of the Nordita buildings. An extension to a fifth year is possible if the student takes up teaching or other duties at the department.

Qualifications. To be eligible for the PhD position you will need to have a completed Master’s exam in physics or astronomy at the starting date. Other science degrees and other types of degrees such as a Swedish civil engineering degree or a Swedish magister degree, may also make you eligible.

Employment. The successful candidate will be supported as a PhD candidate at Nordita for 4 years. The position will start on 1 April 2012, or some other date agreed upon.

Application. The application should include a curriculum vitae together including a list of publications, 2 letters of recommendation, a verified list of courses with grades and a motivation why the applicant wants to pursue studies for a PhD at Nordita. The application deadline is 15 January 2012. The application should be filed though our web interface In exceptional cases, you may also send your application via e-mail to brandenb(at), or send it to

AlbaNova University Center
Attn: Axel Brandenburg
Roslagstullsbacken 23
10691 Stockholm

PHD Studentship in Fluid Dynamics (Magnetohydrodynamics) at COVENTRY UNIVERSITY (UK)

(from Sergei Molokov, Coventry, UK)

PhD Studentship in Fluid Dynamics (Magnetohydrodynamics)
Coventry University
Faculty of Engineering and Computing

£13,260 maintenance per annum (tax free)
Funded by EPSRC, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

Coventry University invites applications for a 3.5-year PhD Industrial CASE studentship in Fluid Dynamics. The studentship is co-funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Culham Centre for Fusion Energy ( . The work, to be performed in collaboration with Culham and with Ilmenau University of Technology (Germany, ), involves Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulent flow in rectangular ducts with reference to liquid metal blankets for fusion reactors.

Candidates must be EU nationals holding a BSc degree in Mathematics, Physics or a related discipline. Exceptional candidates from outside of the EU are also encouraged to apply.

Provisional starting date is 23rd January 2012.

For an informal discussion please contact Prof Sergei Molokov at (

To view details of the Studentship, please visit the link:

For an application form please visit the link:

Complete the application form and return with a covering letter to:

Admission team
Graduate Centre
Jaguar Building
Coventry University
Priory Street
United Kingdom
Fax: +44 (0)24 7688 8609
The deadline for receipt of applications is 9th December, 2011


PhD teaching assistant position in physics at Université Libre de Bruxelles

Dear colleagues,

a PhD teaching assistant position is open in the Physics Department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. The research topic (to be defined exactly with the successful candidate) is in the domain of modeling and simulation of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence or multiphase flow (liquid-gaz interface). Work should be performed in the framework of a PhD thesis.

Teaching activities (around 150/200 hours per year) include exercises and laboratory supervision of students in the bachelor programme of the Physics Department (essentially for the general physics courses). These courses are given in french and a good knowledge of the langage is therefore required.

I would be grateful if you could forward the information to potential candidates and to your colleagues that could relay it.

Candidates may contact me directly at: bknaepen(at)

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,

Bernard Knaepen.

Prof. Bernard Knaepen
Physique Statistique et des Plasmas
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Boulevard du Triomphe
Campus Plaine CP 231
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
email: bknaepen(at)
Tel: +32-2-650 59 18
Fax: +32-2-650 58 24
Secr: +32-2-650 58 16