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04-09-2016: 16th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals (LAM-16)

The 16th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals (LAM-16) will be held at the town hall of Bonn – Bad Godesberg, Germany, from September 04-09, 2016.

The conference aims to provide a forum for scientists interested in liquid and amorphous metals in order to discuss recent advances and future directions in this intriguing field of condensed matter physics, chemistry and materials sciences. Apart from papers on metallic systems, the LAM conferences traditionally also welcome contributions on liquid and amorphous semi-conductors as well as on molten salts.

The series of LAM conferences has a long standing history dating back to the liquids metal conference LM-1 in Brookhaven (1966). It was followed by the liquid metals conferences in Tokyo (1972) and Bristol (1976). The scope of the conference series was complemented by topics of amorphous metals in the following LAM conferences held in Grenoble (1980), Los Angeles (1983), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1986), Kyoto (1989), Wien (1992), Chicago (1995), Dortmund (1998), Yokohama (2001), Metz (2004), Ekaterinburg (2007), Rome (2010) and Beijing (2013).

We are planning plenary sessions on hot topics and future advances in the field and there will be thematically focused sessions with invited and selected contributed talks as well as a poster session.

The following topics will be covered by the conference:

  • structural and dynamical properties of liquid and amorphous phases
  • bulk amorphous glasses (development and properties)
  • liquids under extreme and/or highly metastable conditions
  • thermophysical properties of metallic melts and amorphous matter
  • experimental techniques for investigating liquid and amorphous
    matter (including state of the art in-situ techniques for studying non-equilibrium states, phase transitions or chemical reactions in liquid and amorphous matter)
  • simulation techniques for studying structure, dynamics and properties of liquid and amorphous systems
  • investigations on liquid metals under the unique conditions of reduced gravity
  • applications of amorphous materials.

Conference website: https://dlr-mp.meetingmasters.de/LAM16

Abstract submission deadline: March 31, 2016