(from Tom Weier, Dresden, Germany)
The joint 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress is expected to be one of the largest computational mechanics and applied mathematics events ever organized with an expected participation from all parts of the globe, representing multiple sectors, academia, industry and government institutions.
Through the organization of minisymposia, it will both cover the latest developments in all aspects of computational mechanics, computational fluid dynamics and applied mathematics in conjunction with industrial needs as well as emerging ones. This congress shall fully engage computational mechanics in the XXI century.
A mini-symposium on fluid dynamics of liquid metal batteries (LMB) will be organized in the framework of the ECCOMAS 2020 congress to be held on July 19-24, 2020 in Paris. The proposed minisymposium aims to support the trending interest in the topic of LMBs, to offer a platform for discussion, and to facilitate future collaborations. While the focus shall be on fluid dynamics, lectures on other aspects of LMBs and related devices (e.g., aluminum reduction cells) will be equally welcome and considered to be in the scope of the minisymposium. Topics to be addressed include: mixing and mass transfer, natural convection, magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, electro-vortex flows, electrochemistry of LMBs, scale-up, and grid integration as well as stack design and heat transfer.
Abstracts can be submitted to the conference website after September 15, 2019. Please contact the mini-symposium organizers, Tom Weier, Wietze Herreman and Oleg Zikanov if you have any questions.
Dear colleagues,
the deadline for abstract submission to the minisymposium “Fluid Mechanics of Liquid Metal Batteries” (and for the whole 14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress 2020) has been extended to January 15, 2020. Please see below for the updated announcement.
Looking forward to meeting you in Paris!
Best regards,
Tom, Oleg & Wietze