30-05-2016: 22nd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions (PSI) in Controlled Fusion Devices , Rome, Italy


on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite you to attend the 22nd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (22nd PSI) that will be held from May 30 to June3, 2016 in Rome,Italy.

This conference is organized by ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.

I think it is not necessary to remind you the great beauty of Rome: it is a very attractive city, well known all over the world, and late spring is the best period to visit it. Let me only say that Rome represents also one of the most important scientific poles of Italy: close to Rome (20 km) is the Frascati Research area including, besides ENEA, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the European Space Agency (ESA).

I am looking forward to your participation and contribution for making the XXII PSI conference a great success.

Giorgio Maddaluno

Chairman of the 22nd PSI Local Organizing Committee

Pamir 2016 Call for Papers

PAMIR 2016 is organized by the University of Cagliari in partnership with the German umbrella project Helmholtz Alliance (LIMTECH). Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings if at least one author is registered and if the paper is presented at the conference.

 Abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2015

 The detailed list of topics, as well as other important information are found in the attached call for papers, or on our website:

Augusto Montisci

December 7-9, 2015: 16th MHD-Days, Ilmenau, Germany.



(from Thomas Boeck, TU Ilmenau, Germany)

First Announcement [see updates here]

16th MHD-Days

TU Ilmenau, December 7-9, 2015

Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the framework of the Research Training Group „Lorentz force velocimetry and Lorentz force eddy current testing“

The 16th MHD-Days will be organized at TU Ilmenau. They will take place from Monday noon, December 7 to Wednesday afternoon, December 9, 2015.

As in previous MHD-Days, the 16th MHD-Days will focus both on geo- and astrophysical aspects as well as on industrial applications of MHD.

The meeting will also be used to give an overview of the on-going activities in the Research Training Group on flow measurement in liquid metals and electrolytes using contactless Lorentz force velocimetry and on non-destructive material inspection using Lorentz force eddy current testing. This Research Training Group at TU Ilmenau is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Undergraduate and PhD students are particularly encouraged to attend the MHD-Days. The conference language is English. Further information will be posted on the web page


in the near future. Questions related to organizational aspects should be addressed to:


The organizing committee would appreciate a wide circulation of this announcement.

Dr. Thomas Boeck
Dr. Dmitry Krasnov
Prof. Christian Karcher
Prof. Jörg Schumacher

(Organizing committee)

22-02-2016: Dynamic Sun: I. MHD Waves and Confined Transients in the Magnetised Atmosphere, Varanasi, India

See http://ssg.group.shef.ac.uk/Conferences/India_2016/index.html for details

22-02-2016: 33rd National Radio Science Conference (NRSC) (Egypt)

The National Radio Science Committee of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) along with AASTMT are holding the 33rd National Radio Science Conference at the AASTMT South Valley campus in Aswan during the period 22-25 February 2016. The conference program will consist of invited sessions on selected topics and contributed sessions. The submitted papers must describe original work and cover the activities of the URSI commissions A-K, namely:

  • A – Electromagnetics metrology
  • B – Fields and waves
  • C – Wireless communications and signal processing
  • D – Electronics and photonics
  • E – Electromagnetic noise and interference
  • F – Wave propagation and remote sensing
  • G – Ionospheric radio and propagation
  • H – Waves in plasma
  • I – Radio astronomy
  • K – Electromagnetics in biology and medicine

Review papers describing new trends and state of the art of some of the URSI activities are welcome. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings conditional upon presentation of the paper and in-advance registration by at least one of the authors. Presented papers will be included in IEEE Xplore. A special student session will host a limited number of posters presenting B.Sc. graduation projects or Masters’ work, with free registration. Best papers and best student papers will be selected by the organizing committee for awards.

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: September 14th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: December 2nd, 2015
Camera-ready manuscript: January 4th, 2016


Details: NRSC 2016

Website: http://nrsc2016.aast.edu/

Dr. Alfaisal Abdelhameed Mohamed Hasan
Vice Director of South Valley Branch for Administrative Affairs
Head of Basic and Applied Sciences Department
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
Sadat Road – P. O. Box 11 Aswan, Egypt